Friday, July 8, 2011

Who is Lady Gaga Really Is? (Part II)

Lady Gaga, The Illuminati Puppet Part II

We’ve seen that a great deal of her symbolism revolves around occultism, secret societies and references to mind control. This article analyzes Gaga’s latest media and the fact her symbolism is still permeated by the same themes.
Masonic Photo Shoot

In my articles on Lady Gaga and the 2009 VMAs, I’ve identified the use and display of elements taken from Masonic symbolism. If my previous claims were considered inconclusive or “grasping at straws” by some, I wonder if they’ll remain skeptical of the presence of Masonic symbolism in pop culture after seeing this  set of photos, taken INSIDE A MASONIC LODGE,
If you have minimal knowledge of Freemasonry, you already know the great importance of the twin pillars Jachim and Boaz. They are depicted in a great number of Masonic works of art, such as this one.
Pillars of Solomon Temple
Gaga is standing between both pillars, wearing Hello Kitty shoes, occultly referring to mind control programming (innocence, childhood, re-education, etc). Her eyes are closed but she has wide-open eyes painted on her eyelids, which is very symbolic: her eyes seem open but they are still wide shut.
In the picture above, Gaga is sitting on a Masonic throne, complete with the twin pillars on each side of her. Above her head is the compass of Freemasonry:
She is wearing a Hello Kitty dress and posing in a very mannequin-like stance. Her hands are positioned in way reminiscent of iconic art which displays the hermetic maxim “as above so below”.
In the  picture above, Gaga is standing next to the bust of an important Mason (easily recognizable by the collar). The “one eye” symbolism discussed in the previous article is still an intricate part of Gaga’s imagery. She is however far from being the only artist doing this (see Rihanna’s R Rated album cover). Hello Kitty is covering Gaga’s…kitty in another odd juxtaposition of Masonic symbolism with mind control, often found in entertainment photo shoots.

Maria from Metropolis Strikes Back

In the previous article, I’ve mentioned that the name “Lady Gaga” was taken from the Queen video Radio Gaga, in which many scenes were taken from the movie Metropolis. This movie is known for its highly occult themes (Black Magic, sacrifices to the pagan god Moloch, mind control, the whore of Babylon) and is very often referred to in the music industry.
In the movie, Maria, a girl from the working class, is “chosen” by the elite to give her likeness to a mind-controlled robot in order to confuse the masses. There is a dichotomy between the real and the false Maria that is also found in Gaga’s latest offering called Fame Monster.
In the above image, Gaga’s hairstyle is extremely similar to the robot Maria seen here:
In this scene from Fritz’s Metropolis, the android Maria is meant to embody the “whore of Babylon” from Revelation 17:
“So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.”
-Revelation 17
The false Lady Gaga is opposed to the real, natural and apparently unhappy Lady Gaga.

Other Mind Control Related Pictures

This metallic head is a pretty blatant reference to an alternate personality, as developed in MK Ultra programming.

A literal veil in front of her eyes.

Is it Baphomet’s head on her head?

Living in a programmed reality

In Conclusion

Since the publishing of the first article, Lady Gaga’s symbolism has continued to exploit the same themes as were previously discussed. Although she is very smart and educated in symbolism, the settings of the pictures are the creations of photographers, stylists and other “consultants”. Whether she is commenting on the mind control phenomenon in mass media or simply a victim of it is still hard to determine but one thing is for sure: the symbolism is there and that’s the goal of the article. What is more unsettling is the fact that those themes are not exclusive to Gaga. They are associated with many acts in the music and the fashion industry to a point that one inevitably realizes that these artists are pawns of a greater machine, pushing its symbols through various outlets. References to mind control, to secret societies, to Baphomet and to Metropolis are too widespread to be coincidences or results of artistic expression. There is an obvious media campaign pushing these elements into pop culture. What should we do about it? MTV says: Just dance. P/s: I'm sorry for those who dont like the pictures I paste in this article..


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